The first job after graduating from college will leave a deep impression on you in your life. If you can buy a special gift for the children when you say goodbye, everyone will remember you as a teacher forever.
1. Children like to eat snacks, so why not buy them a box of chocolates, preferably with blessings. When you leave, you must have many words or expectations to say to the children. You can write blessings on the chocolates. The children will be very happy to receive this gift.
2. Before leaving, you can take a group photo with the children, and then print out a photo for each classmate, write blessings and expectations for each child on the back of each photo, and give them to the children separately. The children will treasure this gift forever.
Make a big blackboard in the class, sign each child's name on it, as well as your suggestions or blessings for their studies, and tell everyone your contact information, so that teachers and students can have more communication in the future. Such a gift is also very special.