When a good brother gets married, he must have the help of his brothers. It is said that a hero needs three helpers. This is the time to show your greatest role. To add color to his wedding, more money is not necessarily better. It should be proportionate and appropriate. Therefore, it is recommended not to give him too exaggerated cars or something. Give some gifts that fit the scene, and you will be very happy when you recall it in the future.
It is recommended that if you are not short of money, you can customize a bouquet of golden roses for him. Holding such roses will definitely be conspicuous and face-saving at the wedding. In addition, it is recommended that several brothers record a video for him together, which is also enviable when played at the wedding.
At the same time, some creative wedding gifts are recommended. Choose some small gifts as a foil, such as a crystal piano music box customized with the wedding photos of the brothers and their wives, which also shows that you are very meticulous. You can also give a pair of teddy bears wearing wedding clothes, which will win the favor of the bride. Haha, I hope the suggestions are helpful to you, and I wish you all the best.