wedding with gifts is already very Western-style. There are many things to pay attention to in such a wedding. However, the gifts should not be too expensive or too simple. After all, gifts are exchanged. If they are too expensive, it will be embarrassing for the other party. If they are too simple, they will be embarrassed to show it. It is recommended to give a pair of better red wine. You can go to the winery to see. It must be real wine, hehe.
You can also contact other friends and give each of them a golden rose, put them together, and then give them together. The roses that will not wither symbolize their everlasting love, or give them a pair of their dolls, which are very realistic and are good gifts for the wedding. This can be customized. It is very thoughtful and creative. I hope these suggestions will help you. I wish you all the best.
Anyway, it is recommended to give friends wedding gifts with good meanings, such as a basket of peanuts and red dates, or a pair of pure gold or pure silver chopsticks, which means early birth of a son.