Getting into college is indeed a big event worth celebrating. Giving a college student's brother a gift for College Student's Day is not only an encouragement for his study, but also a manifestation of your care for his brother. College students generally like electronic products. You can also choose a gift according to your brother's interests.
1. Learning tools enrich your brother's college life
College students have a rich and colorful life, and they have a lot of spare time to develop their own interests and hobbies, but don't forget your duty when you have more free time. You can give your brother a learning machine or e-book to promote his study and let him combine work and rest in his spare time.
2. Electronic products make your brother happy
College students are most obsessed with fashionable electronic products. Whether it is advanced smart phones, cool handheld game consoles, or high-tech digital cameras, they are all very popular. If your brother likes photography, this gift is perfect. You can choose any of the three and give it to your brother, and he will be happy.
3. Anti-radiation equipment reflects your care for him
Whether college students read books or surf the Internet, it is very harmful to their eyes. Choosing a fashionable anti-radiation goggles for your brother is not only very cool to wear, but also practical, building a protective wall for his eyes, reflecting your care for him.
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