NOISE REDUCING EARBUDS & MIC: We’ve combined comfortable, safety-rated earplugs and our own custom tuned speakers to give you the ultimate hearing protection and rich, immersive, crystal clear sound.
BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES: Liberate features ComforTiered replaceable tips, NeverOut 12 hour battery & fast charge, IsoTalk Mic, OSHA ear protection, crystal clear sound, & QuickDraw easy access controls.
WORK EARPHONES: Get premium sound & protection in your earbuds for work. Guardian has ANSI-certified Noise Reduction Ratings (NRR) of 27 & 29 dB and is OSHA compliant when used to OSHA regulations.
NOISE ISOLATING MIC: Isotalk reduces noise like wind, machines, or other people from your phone calls. Intelligent mic finds, isolates & kills environmental sounds so they hear you, not the background.
NOISE ISOLATING MIC: Isotalk reduces noise like wind, machines, or other people from your phone calls. Intelligent mic finds, isolates & kills environmental sounds so they hear you, not the background.