THREE GAMES IN ONE: Bring home the entertainment and more, as Blockbuster, Blockbuster Returns and Blockbuster and Chill meet in one big movie board game.
NOT JUST FOR MOVIE BUFFS: From family favourites to indie classics, there's something for everyone in this movie party game for adults and teens.
GRAB SOME POPCORN: Charades meets Jeopardy in a funny party game where you race to describe, act out and quote over 400 different movies.
MIX THINGS UP: Combine the content from three movie board games to get a funny party game experience that’s always a little bit different.
EASY TO LEARN, QUICK TO PLAY: For ages 12+ for 2 players. Perfect for two players, groups of friends or any family that loves movies as much as party games.
1 Blockbuster Game, 1 Blockbuster Returns Game, 1 Blockbuster and Chill Game
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