Product 1: Heavy Duty: Redrope Covers With A Double-Reinforced Flap Are Built To Withstand Heavy Use Over Weeks And Months And Years
Product 1: Go Ahead, Get Started: One Row Of Pre-Printed A-Z Tabs Will Have You Sorting And Filing Right Out Of The Gate; Another Row Of Blank Tabs Allows You To Personalize Sections For Your Needs
Product 1: Flap & Elastic Cord Closure: This System Ensures Your Papers Are Secure While You Store, Carry Or Transport Them
Product 1: Room To Expand: Expanding Sides Grow As Your Files Grow; Tyvek Reinforced Top Edges Keep Even Over-Stuffed Files In Tact
Product 2: Heavyweight cover
Product 2: Features one row of pre-printed A-Z tabs and one row of blank tabs to customize
Product 2: Open-top for easy access to filing
Product 2: Expanding sides include Tyvek reinforced top edge