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Toddler Toys for 1 2 Year Old Boy and Girl Gifts Wooden Race Track Car Ramp Racer with 4 Mini Car

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MOMS PRIORITY CHOOSE: This toddler ramp race track toy is made of high quality wood, BPA Free and stained with bright non-toxic water-based paint. Fully tested to the highest U.S. ASTM F 963 and European EN71 toy safety standards. The vehicles also passed tensile tests of ASTM, the wheels can not be pulling out without violent destruction. No concerns about wheels falling off or pieces coming apart. The car is large enough not to risk suffocation even you buy it as gifts for 1 year old boy girl

UNIQUE TOP PARCKING LOT: 4 bright ramp racer set off from the top parking lot and then slides down the rainbow toddler race track, bringing the toddlers pleasure of racing and improving visuals tracking ability. When the game stops, the toddlers can collect the cars in the top parking lot by themselves, improving your 1 2 year old boy and girl’s sense of storage, and prevent the cars from getting lost

TODDLER FESTIVAL GIFT: Size 12"x4"x10", weight about 2 pounds, including 4 car ramps, 1 parking lot and 4 toddler ramp racer . Packed in a very sturdy color box .The only piece need to be attached is the removable top parking lot, other no assemble needed. This toddler race track toy is compact and sturdy, can be easily stored on shelving or in small room. Suitable for toddler playing at home indoor or outdoor activity, best gift for 1 2 year old boy and girls birthday

LEARNING THROUGH PLAYING:This toddler race track is a simple and well-built toy. Which will encourage the development of your toddlers hand-eye coordination and attention span. Also, encourages toddlers to cooperate and take turns to play their own race cars on the toddler race track, develop communication skills. For the smallest children such as a 1 2 year old boy and girl , they learn dexterity and repetition through playing. They will love this gift and play with parents or friends for hour

UNIQUE DESIGN FOR TODDLERS: This wooden car ramp toy is deigned for kids age 1 2 only, the width of car ramp to allow only 1 toy car to run through. No more suitable gift for one year old boy. Toddlers safety and your satisfaction are our main concern

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