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OPPSDECOR 660lbs 6 in 1 Weight Bench Set with Squat Rack, Workout Bench with Leg Extension Preacher Curl Rack Multi-Function Bench Press Set for Home Gym, ZWX1113 New Version Weight Bench

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The OPPSDECOR Weight Bench Set offers versatility for full body workouts with adjustable features and a sturdy design capable of supporting significant weight. Its foldable, space-saving design makes it a practical option for home gyms, while the comfortable materials enhance the workout experience.multi-function,sturdy,adjustable,space-saving,comfortable
$199.99 /$224.00
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【OPPSDECOR】 Specialize in the design and production of fitness equipmentoffers, multiple options, including flat, adjustable, and foldable weight bench. Work out the way you want with the help of a new OPPSDECOR weight bench.

【Stable Structure】The adjustable weight bench designed a unique frame with triangular structure and made of heavy duty commercial quality steel which is very sturdy and durable; Weight capacity is 660 pounds.

【Multi-Function Workout Bench】OPPSDECOR weight bench set is good for full body strength training, such as bench press/dumbbell row/incline dumbbell bench press/one-arm dumbbell preacher curl/sit-up, etc. With two pull-up grips to exercise arm muscles, the supine board allows you to exercise abdominal and leg muscles.

【Adjustable Weight Bench】This foldable weight bench has 4 adjustable backrest positions. The barbell rack can be adjusted to 6 different levels. The height of the weightlifting frame can be adjusted between 80-105cm/31.5-41.3in. Height adjustable and folded design brings more convenience to your exercising.

【Ultimate in Comfort】OPPSDECOR bench press is made of senior Imitation Leather seats and backrest and filled with soft foam padding, enabling you to perform any exercise with maximum comfort amd for longer sessions.

【Foldable & Space-Saving】The weight bench with 2 resistance bands can be folded up to reduce its occupied area and save space. You can simply put it in the basement or move it to the corner of home or office and put it against the wall. Folding dimension: 29.9” L x 17.7” W x 51.2” H.

【Easy To Assemble】The weight bench set is easy to assemble, and all required accessories are included( But the Barbell and weight plates are not included), 2 x Rope, 1 x Manual.). Overall dimension: 42.5” L x 29.9” W x 33-41.9”H.

【No Worry Buying】If you meet any problem or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us through E-mail directly. We will solve it or easily send back with return label, your satisfaction is our top priority.

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