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MateeyLife Dog & Cat Food Mat, Waterproof & Nonslip Silicone Feeding Mats for Dogs and Cats, Raised Edge Tray for Messy Drinkers, 24"x16", Navy

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$19.00 /$21.3
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Benvenutu à Roymall, u vostru situ web prufessiunale per l'acquistu di rigali di magazini di alta qualità. Apprezzemu è valutemu u vostru sustegnu, è vulemu esprime a nostra gratitudine aghjunghjendu un toccu extra di eccitazione à i vostri acquisti. Quandu cumprate cù noi, ùn solu ottenite prodotti di alta qualità chì migliuranu a vostra vita, ma riceverete ancu un regalu gratuitu esclusivu cù ogni ordine chì fate. Prontu à esplorà a nostra cullezzione è truvà i vostri rigali perfetti? Navigate a nostra selezzione di articuli di magazini di alta qualità, fate u vostru ordine, è aspittate l'eccitazione di u vostru regalu gratuitu chì ghjunghje inseme à u vostru acquistu.

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Less Mess on The Floor: Is your pet a sloppy eater, constantly dropping food or dripping water from his mouth? Our silicone dog food mat for floors waterproof, dog water bowl mat for messy drinkers and pet bowl mats for food and water set up a separate feeding area for your pet and keep spilled food and water from ending up around the space which makes cleanup easier for your pet's eating areas. The less workload you have on the cleaning, the more playtime you can spend with your puppy

100% Waterproof & Keep Biwk in Place: Our silicone pet food mats waterproof with edges, waterproof dog mat for food and water and dog water matt for sloppy drinkers do a great job catching the water and food your puppy drops on the floor. The dot pattern on the surface and nonslip backing of the dog waterproof mat for dog water bowl and anti slip mat for under dog bowls keep your pet's bowl in place, making your pet enjoy his meal more intently and happily

For All Breeds Pets & Multi Scene: Our large silicone mat for dog bowls, cat food mats for indoor cats and cat mats for food and water come in three sizes and colors suitable for pet food and water bowls, pet fountains, raised feeders, and automatic feeders. What's more, they can also work as under sink tray, shoe mat tray, boot mat tray and cat feeding mat. For messy eaters, ensure at least 5 IN of clearance between the bowl and the edge of the mat to avoid water spilling when using

Food-Grade Silicone Material: Made of BPA-free and food-grade silicone, our silicone dog mats for food and water bowls, silicone pet mats for floor waterproof and silicon mat for under dog crate are completely safe for your puppy. Flexible silicone makes a small rubber mat for dog bowls to roll up easily and store in a drawer or corner when not in use. Lightweight also makes you feel free to carry when traveling. Our dog mats for floors came rolled up, but they laid perfectly flat when opened

Easy to Clean & Dishwasher Safe: Our dog bowl mats for food and water, food mat for cat bowls and dog matt for food and water bowl are top-racked dishwasher safe. Wipe pet feeding mats for dog bowls, pet water mat for dog bowl with a wet cloth and then rinse them in the sink with warm soapy water is another way to clean. If there is much water spilled on the pet matt for food and water, please kindly wipe with a dry towel first to avoid water spilling when you take up the dog water mat

After-Sales Services: Different dogs have different personalities and perceive things differently. Some dogs may chew the raised edge of the mat so pups require supervision when using. We provide hassle-free service for all products, including dog placemats for food and water, small pet food mats for floor and dog feeding mats for food and water. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

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