Giant bean Large Foldable Pikler Triangle Set with Sliding Ramp & Climbing Arch Ramp, 5-in-1 Wooden Toddler Climbing Toys Indoor,Playground Jungle Gym for Kids Age 3-6, Montessori Climbing Set
Spedizione standard gratuita per ordini sopra $9.9
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The Giant bean Pikler Triangle Set offers a versatile and durable climbing solution for active toddlers. Its sustainable materials ensure safety during play, while easy assembly allows for convenient setup. This product supports physical activity, creativity, and imaginative play, making it an excellent addition to any indoor playground.versatile,sustainable,durable,safety,easy assembly
【Amazing Pikler Triangle Set 】 You will appreciate the 5-in-1 pikler triangle set for its versatility . It includes a wooden triangle, a reversible rock climbing wall that doubles as a slide, and a wooden climbing arch; making it a 5-in-1. The climbing arch can also be flipped over and used as a rocking boat to work on balance control and creativity play. Uniquely, the hooking design on the end of the arch makes it more ways to construct your playground.
【Natural Wood and Exquisite Craftsmanship 】Certificated by ASTM & CPSC standard, this pikler triangle set is made from well polished sustainable formaldehyde-free birch and solid hardwood. That's why our climbers are built to last for years! Additionally the corner and edges of the ladder are smooth enough to prevent kids from being injured during play.
【Climbers Welcome!】This climber set is perfect for adventure and climbing loving kids. Younger kids can use it to fully develop their strength, coordination and balance, at the same time enhance their confidence and independence and inspire creativity! It is equally perfect for building forts, parking garage, and other imaginative play. Additionally, if you are really looking to create an outdoor wooden gym in lieu of traditional playground equipment, you can purchase it.
【Assembling is a Breeze】The toddler wooden climbing toys for toddlers can be easily assembled than the major competitors . Every one of the holes is lined up properly!Another nice things about this particular adjustable foldable Pikler triangle, is you only need to loose the two black knobs on side of the triangle to fold it. No need to take off the knobs so no worry of lost them, and no screwdriver needed.
【Satisfaction for You 】Our ultimate goal is customer satisfaction. In addition to the care for the highest quality products, we make every effort to ensure each client is happy with the shopping experience .If you have any problem with this Pikler Triangle SET ,please do not hesitate to contact us.